Turkish Celebrities and Business People Who Own Houses in Thailand: An Attractive Holiday and Investment Destination for Turks

Turkish Celebrities and Business People Who Own Houses in Thailand: An Attractive Holiday and Investment Destination for Turks

Turkish Celebrities and Business People in Thailand

Thailand attracts the attention of celebrities and wealthy business people worldwide with its tropical climate, luxurious lifestyle and popular holiday destinations. These beauties are becoming attractive not only for foreign celebrities but also for Turkish business people and celebrities. Turkish business people and celebrities have holiday homes and investment projects especially in popular regions such as Phuket, Bangkok and Koh Samui.

Turks prefer Thailand not only for vacationing but also for investment opportunities and advantages in the real estate market. In this article, we provide information about Turkish celebrities and business people who have homes in Thailand and try to discover why Thailand is an attractive investment destination for Turks.

1. Fahriye Evcen and Burak Özçivit – The Famous Couple Who Prefer Thailand

One of the most well-known couples of Turkish television, Fahriye Evcen and Burak Özçivit are among the celebrities who prefer to vacation in Thailand. Fahriye Evcen and Burak Özçivit, who vacation in luxury resorts such as Phuket, which is the choice of many famous couples, are amazed by Thailand's beaches, luxury resorts and unique natural beauties. The peace and privacy offered by the resorts in this region are one of the most important reasons why the famous couple spends time here.
The fact that celebrities such as Fahriye Evcen and Burak Özçivit prefer Thailand shows how right a choice Thailand is for Turks looking for privacy and luxury.

2. Acun Ilıcalı – Both a Holiday and an Investment in Thailand

Acun Ilıcalı, one of the biggest names in Turkish television, is among the Turkish business people who want to invest in Thailand. Ilıcalı, who invests in resorts and developing real estate projects in regions such as Bangkok and Phuket, aims to make significant profits by taking advantage of the rapid growth of the tourism sector in Thailand. The real estates that Acun Ilıcalı will own in Thailand stand out not only as holiday destinations but also as investment projects.
Thanks to his luxury accommodation facilities and hotel investments in Thailand, Acun Ilıcalı frequently visits this country with its historical and cultural richness and continues to evaluate economic opportunities by making investments.

3. Murat Boz – One of the Turkish Celebrities Who Goes to Thailand for a Holiday

Murat Boz, one of the beloved names of Turkish pop music, is among the celebrities who prefer Thailand for a holiday. Boz, who likes to stay on famous holiday islands such as Koh Samui and Phuket in Thailand, has established a great bond with the natural beauties and exotic atmosphere of the country. Especially the exotic islands, tourist attractions and luxury holiday villages of Thailand are quite popular for celebrities like Murat Boz for a holiday.

Murat Boz’s preference for Thailand shows why Turkish celebrities and wealthy business people prefer Thailand. Thailand offers an attractive option not only for those who want to have a holiday, but also for Turkish business people who want to make an investment.

4. Doğuş Group – Turkish Business People Investing in Thailand

The investment projects of large Turkish companies such as Doğuş Group in Thailand are also drawing attention. Thailand’s tourism sector is attracting the attention of major investors such as Doğuş Group in terms of real estate projects and economic growth. The company aims to benefit from the growing market in the region by investing in projects such as luxury resorts, restaurants and hotels in Thailand.

Investments by major Turkish business groups such as Doğuş Group in Thailand increase interest in the real estate sector and contribute to Thailand’s development in tourism and trade.

Gründe, warum Thailand ein attraktives Investitionsziel für Türken ist

Thailand ist nicht nur ein Urlaubsziel für türkische Geschäftsleute und Prominente, sondern auch ein Reiseziel mit Investitionsmöglichkeiten.

Das Wachstum im thailändischen Tourismus- und Immobiliensektor bietet viele Chancen für türkische Investoren.

1. Entwicklung des Immobilienmarktes:

Thailand bietet einen Immobilienmarkt, der in den letzten Jahren rasant gewachsen ist. Luxusvillen und Feriendörfer, insbesondere in Touristengebieten wie Phuket, Bangkok und Koh Samui, bieten attraktive Möglichkeiten für ausländische Investoren. Faktoren wie ein hoher Touristenstrom und kurzfristige Mieten in Thailand ermöglichen es, dass Immobilieninvestitionen hohe Renditen erzielen.

2. Privatsphäre und friedliches Leben:

Thailands Küstengebiete ziehen mit ihrer Privatsphäre und friedlichen Umgebung die Aufmerksamkeit von Prominenten und Geschäftsleuten auf sich. Resorts, ruhige Buchten und tropische Inseln in Thailand gehören zu den bevorzugten Urlaubsorten von Prominenten. Prominente, die sich für Thailand entscheiden, ziehen auch andere türkische Investoren an, die Luxusleben und Privatsphäre suchen.

3. Wachstum im Tourismussektor:

Thailand ist eines der größten Tourismusziele der Welt. Thailand, das in Sektoren wie Casino-Tourismus, Golf-Tourismus und Öko-Tourismus wächst, erhöht seine Investitionen in Unterkünfte und Feriendörfer mit dem Anstieg des Touristenstroms. Dies schafft profitable Möglichkeiten für türkische Investoren.

Thailand ist sowohl ein Urlaubs- als auch ein Investitionsziel für Türken

Thailand ist zu einem von türkischen Prominenten und Geschäftsleuten häufig bevorzugten Reiseziel geworden. Berühmtheiten wie Fahriye Evcen, Burak Özçivit, Acun Ilıcalı und Murat Boz, die in Thailand Urlaub machen, zeigen, wie attraktiv diese Region im Hinblick auf luxuriöses Wohnen und Investitionsmöglichkeiten ist.

Darüber hinaus beweisen Investitionen in Thailand durch große türkische Unternehmensgruppen wie die Doğuş Group, dass sie große Chancen für Thailands Wirtschaftswachstum und den Immobiliensektor bieten.
Thailand ist nach wie vor ein Reiseziel, das mit seinen Naturschönheiten und seinem touristischen Potenzial von Tag zu Tag mehr Aufmerksamkeit auf sich zieht und den Türken nicht nur einen Urlaub, sondern auch Investitionsmöglichkeiten bietet.

Burak Pehlivan

Hello, I am Burak Pehlivan. The education I received from the Vienna Technical University Faculty of Architecture allowed me to approach architecture from an advertising perspective. It has always been my passion to create powerful projects by combining my architectural experiences with digital marketing innovations. This passion now continues with World of Condos.

As the founder of World of Condos, we offer interior design and real estate investment consultancy to global investors. In dynamic cities such as Bangkok, Phuket and Pattaya in Thailand, we design the best options for investors' needs with house and villa options for sale and provide support in all investment processes.